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Accessibility & Sustainability

Accessibility Policy:

  • The majority of our events are fully wheelchair accessible. Shocktober Fest has an accessible ride, with ramps up to the Haunted Hayride.
  • For all events we offer a carer ticket which is admitted for free with disabled visitors.
  • We also have systems to support non-visible disabilities and neurodiversity, with all who identify with this, fast-tracked to the queue front.
  • We facilitate visits for groups of people with additional needs, putting on adapted trailers so they can visit Father Christmas, who, alongside some roaming actors, communicates in sign language for hearing impaired visitors.
  • We welcome all abilities to work at Tulleys, supporting employees with any additional needs to excel in their career of choice, for example a team member with hearing loss works as a Deputy Welfare Officer at Shocktober Fest. Our event roles are highly popular with neurodivergent candidates.
  • We regularly receive letters from parents profoundly grateful for how we’ve enabled their neuro-divergent children to find their first paid employment. 
  • Shocktober Fest encourages visitors to use the interactive map which helps navigation and accessibility lead information.



Sustainability Policy:

We are continually improving and reviewing our environmental and sustainability practices, in order to contribute to the fight against climate change. We have:

  • Introduced a portable solar energy system, with solar-powered batteries, which can be moved to where it is needed. It was used most comprehensively at Tulip Fest. This green energy reduces the amount of electricity used and avoids the need to keep generators running overnight.
  • Reduced the use of chemical weed killers on our pumpkin fields, using steerage hoes instead for precision weeding. We are now looking to innovate further in the near future by purchasing a robot for weeding.
  • Upgraded woodlands, improved drainage, planted many trees, and cleared out five overgrown ponds. This has helped reduce flood risk and attracted wildlife like geese and ducks, which have now started to breed.
  • Introduced a reusable festival cup at Shocktober Fest to reduce the number of single-use cups.
  • Shocktober Fest encourages all visitors to download the interactive map and transfer their tickets to the app ‘wallet’, to reduce printed paper waste.
  • Using compostable disposable cups for all events.
  • The use of light sensors to help reduce energy usage.
  • Maintaining and planting 100 acres of crops to allow for healthy soil, aiming to offset carbon emissions.